Make Kin Not Babies II
Photo: Emilie Lærke Henriksen
“We are currently living in an age where technology is omnipresent in the form of biotechnologies, digital technologies and other devices that help improve our lives. The future is a technological body, which is hooked up to Cyberspace and its infinite amount of information.“
The site specific performance Make Kin Not Babies II is derived from Donna Haraway’s book Staying With Trouble from 2016. The performance was part of Sensorium II a video and performance Festival curated by Rendezvous in Aarhus, Denmark.
As Cybernetic paracites the duo explored and hacked the posthuman new nature and its capacity to adapt to the techno-biological order. The performers moved like a virus within the space, learning and copying its surroundings while simultaneously exploring its own bodily capabilities and voice.
Furthermore two videoworks from 2015 where shown, PART I BIRTH (09:33min) and CYBORG IS NOW! (06:33min). The videos are a tribute to the cyborgs fragmentation of subjectivities. In PART I BIRTH the duo explores the cyborgs’s body and capacity in post apocalyptic surroundings. CYBORG IS NOW! uses statements from the iconic cyberpunk film/anime Ghost In the Shell from 1995 to give voice to the cyborg.